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The Importance of Arts and Enrichment Programs for a Child’s Growth and Development

Often, we find schools ignoring the value of arts and enrichment programs for children.

Public schools don’t have the funding to provide quality holistic education and educational programs for kids; which is why at our private preschool in Oviedo, FL, we try our best to give your child the best experience possible.

What arts and enrichment programs are offered at your school?

We offer a range of programs and activities that provide children with a holistic, well rounded educational experience, aimed to tap into their full potential.

It’s not about sidelining mainstream education, but about adding value to it by incorporating a healthy dosage of extra and co-curricular activities, as well as adding to the actual syllabus.

These programs show alternative ways of learning and teaching so there’s a lot of room for educators and students both to explore and grow together. Kids not only get a taste of different activities they’d enjoy pursuing, but also get to improve upon their skills.

At our preschool and daycare center in Oviedo, FL, we offer different types of enrichment programs, including the Brain Development program, the STEAM Ahead program and G.Y.M. program to name a few.

Each of these has a specific focus and syllabus aimed at kids of various ages. There is consistent use of play, activities and games to encourage mental, physical and intellectual growth and stimulation.

The Brain Development program works to make use of language, logic and math, introducing children to various activities and challenges that get them invested, thinking consistently and challenging their minds.

The STEAM Ahead program uses elements of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math, making children think along the lines of these fields. They’re put into the shoes of professionals, solving challenges and taking on projects that push them to work hard and enjoy themselves.

The G.Y.M. short for Grow Young Minds program is an after-school program, focused on social development. It encouraged older kids to mingle, engage in teamwork, hang out but also enrich their lives and use their time productively. The children are able to play and learn simultaneously.

We take pride in our ability to offer such diverse programs that are an investment into your child’s future and intended to help them grow every step of the way, all the while being one of the most affordable day cares in town.

What are the benefits of these enrichment and art programs?

A lot of parents wonder whether these programs are worth investing in, worth their kids’ time and energy and what makes them so unique.

We’re often met with questions wondering if there’s any real value to these programs, since previous generations of school going kids didn’t have much of this exposure. There are a lot of benefits to these programs, some of the biggest advantages being:

1) Development of Motor Skills

Enrichment and art programs demand a certain kind of focus and consistence. A lot of that comes from children having to work on various projects and successfully—or semi successfully—carry out different tasks. The act of holding a paintbrush, working with puzzles, blocks, setting up spaces so on and so forth leads to an improvement in their physical abilities.

They build on their motor skills, attentiveness and gain the confidence and strength to be independent. Repeated action leads to habit building and polishing skills they might not have had room to develop in a typical classroom setting. Painting, drawing, cutting, chopping, climbing, running, dancing, moving, even staying still are all activities which improve children’s motor abilities.

2) Improved Language Abilities

Through reading, singing, drawing and other such activities as well as being around other peers in the same age bracket, there is a massive improvement in the language abilities of children. They find themselves using more descriptors and learning names of objects, materials, concepts and more through a combination of hands on play and experiential learning. From basic things like colors in art, to words in songs, or instruments to play/dance to, there’s a lot of additional learning that they begin to engage in.

3) Better Expression

All of this, of course, is going to add to their abilities of expression. With a greater vocabulary and an outlet to show how they feel, it’s unsurprising that so many children open up. Not every child is the same; some are naturally loud and the life of the party, others are more introverted and quieter than their peers. Through these enrichment- and arts-based programs, even the quietest of the lot gets an outlet to show how they feel.

It not only allows freedom of expression, but brings in more discipline, helping kids with that extra dose of energy channel that into something productive. They’ll be able to put effort and time into their projects and work, and find a healthy outlet for themselves.

Art speaks volumes, and can b a great tool helping you gain insight into your child’s mind, emotions and feelings. It reveals more than it obscures!

4) Sharper Minds and Decision Making Skills

As a result of being able to exercise control and channel creativity, kids will also be pushed to think harder, think for themselves and make choices. A simple decision like choosing to paint an apple purple, or to sing their favorite song, or do a dance they like can be enough to give them a sense of confidence and achievement they need.
These programs are structured to give a sense of discipline and consistency, which means that kids will also be challenged to do better, work harder and use their minds. Your child will be able to develop an acute sense of what they want, and what they should do, and how to focus on particular tasks to get them done. These are all very transferrable skills that contribute to their overall growth.

5) Social and Emotional Awareness

Most of all, all of the above contribute to a sense of awareness about the self and the other. Being exposed to activities that require team effort, communication, cultural and social values and variation in their experience can do a lot to develop a child’s sense of self.

They become more intuned with their surroundings and their internal selves, knowing what their likes and dislikes are, what their skills and talents are and what their weaknesses are.

The benefits these programs hold are immense! There’s nothing better for your child than the chance to work on themselves in a supportive environment, such as that at Kids R Kids, Oviedo, FL. Get in touch with us today to learn more!