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Mind Your Manners! 4 Things Your Child Should Learn In the Early Years

As your child grows older, they’re able to respond to situations differently than they used to as a baby. Being able to understand verbal commands and speak fluently helps them engage better with those around them and express their emotions and opinions. So how do you ensure that your child is more empathetic in their social interactions?

Here’re 4 manners your child needs to learn in their formative years.

Saying “Please” & “Thank You”

It’s never too early to teach your child to say their “Ps and Qs”! The simple act of saying “please” and “thank you” help your child practice common courtesy at an early age and teaches them how to be polite to people.

Moreover, saying these basic words also helps in building and maintaining relationships. Studies have shown that expressing gratitude verbally or through other means such as thank you notes makes you more interpersonally warm and positively affects your relationships as you grow older.

Saying “Excuse Me”

Whether they’re trying to get somebody’s attention or are making their way in a crowded space, saying these two words is the polite thing to do. Saying “excuse me” indicates that they respect the person they’re speaking to and would appreciate a response. In fact, people are more likely to respond to someone who politely utters these words rather than someone who talks loudly to get others to listen to them.

“Excuse me” also prevents your child from bumping into somebody on a busy street or from invading others’ personal space.

Not Making Fun of Anyone

While it’s okay to joke around with other kids, make sure your child understands the line between harmless banter and making fun of somebody. Teach your child the importance of their words and actions, and the impact they have on others.

Letting them know that what they say or do can hurt the feelings of somebody else is imperative in helping them express their own emotions and being kind to others. It also allows them to manage any negative feelings they may have regarding somebody.

Not Interrupting Anyone

Nobody likes being interrupted while they’re speaking. Doing so indicates that you’re not respecting the speaker and displays rudeness and ungraciousness on your part.

Teach your child to be an active listener and not talk over someone else while they’re speaking. Instead, they should wait for their turn to voice their opinions and concerns. If they feel like they won’t be heard otherwise, encourage them to say “excuse me” before saying what they have to, or raising their hand (for example, in a classroom discussion).

Want your child to be part of a nurturing environment? Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy offers preschool childcare programs that help foster the developmental skills of children in their early years.

Call us at 407-366-2100 to get in touch with our team and learn more about our daycare preschool in Oviedo, Florida!