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The Terrible Twos: What to Expect As Your Child Reaches Toddlerhood?

The terrible twos are perhaps the most dreaded days of parenthood for most individuals. This is an age where your child is able to crawl, walk, and talk, and has started forming opinions of their own. While every child behaves differently, here are a few things your toddler is likely to exhibit when they hit two.

Mood Swings

Full of happiness and love one minute, crying at the top of their lungs the next. As your child reaches the terrible twos, these mood swings are likely to be a common feature. This is because while as they’re growing older and learning new things, they’re understanding new concepts without necessarily having the skills to execute them or negotiate their demands. What results is lots of frustration which then manifests in varying moods within a single day.

Conflicts & Opposition

Be prepared to both hear and say “No!” a lot during this phase of toddlerhood. Your child is learning something new every day and naturally wants to test them out. This leads to an ongoing confrontation between you and your child as they refuse to do a certain thing like they used to before, or insist on indulging in an activity you simply cannot allow.

For instance, they may object to eating the snack they previously loved or to going to bed at their usual time. Similarly, you may also find yourself turning down their demands to have candy for breakfast or roll in the mud.

Public Tantrums

A toddler creating havoc in a public setting is a parent’s worst nightmare. Tantrums are probably the most defining feature of the terrible twos, ranging from mild whining to full-blown meltdowns. In addition to screaming and crying, they may also resort to throwing things, kicking, hitting, or biting.

Defiance, pickiness, and stubbornness are all too common at this age. Your child may be perfectly comfortable at a restaurant one minute, and the next thing you know they’re refusing to eat their meal and insisting on running around. As natural as tantrums are, however, they’re short-lived. According to one study, 75% of tantrums last for about five minutes or less for kids between 2–4 years.

Uncertain Independence

As your child grows older, they’ll develop a sense of precarious independence. A toddler isn’t a small baby anymore, and treating them like one will do you no good. However, treating them as a child two or three years older their age will also affect their behaviour and may make them more clingy instead.

Independence isn’t a negative thing in the terrible twos. Your child may feel confident about being on their own for a while, continuing to play with their toys even as you step out of the room. They may also feel more confident in social interactions, being friendlier with people they meet including unfamiliar faces.

Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy offers toddler childcare program to help foster the developmental skills of your child in their early years.

Call us at 407-366-2100 to get in touch with our team and learn more about our toddler care center in Oviedo, Florida!