Sunset-hued candy corn and miniature wrapped chocolate bars seem to be everywhere leading up to the Halloween holiday—at the doctor’s office, by the teacher’s desk, on the grandparents’ kitchen table. Avoiding sweet treats is nearly impossible. But, when you are at home with your preschooler, you can make healthy, tasty snacks and treats that capture the festive spirit of the holiday.
Popular treats for Halloween
Even though Americans spend more on costumes than on candy each year, they still manage to buy more than $2 billion worth of sweets in the weeks leading up to Halloween, including over 20 million pounds of candy corn. In fact, the average person in the United States consumes about 24 pounds of candy annually, most of which is eaten around the Halloween holiday.
Healthy treats at Halloween
Avoiding the seemingly-inescapable sweets during Halloween is not impossible. Add a playful twist to favorite nutritious foods, and you and your preschooler both will be able to enjoy healthy treats for Halloween!
Creepy Crawlies
Turn small cracker sandwiches or round bread ones into edible creepy crawlies with pretzels or thin sliced carrots for legs. Add sticky dark raisins for eyes, and serve with chilled apple slices for a refreshing snack!
Banana Ghosts
Bring the Halloween spirit to the breakfast table with banana ghosts! Cut a banana in half, and then near the crown of the tapered end, place small chocolate chips or dark raisins to create eyes and a nose. These edible ghosts can also be made with cheerios or small grapes.
Silly Stackers
This is a snack you and your little one can prepare together! Decorate small snack cups with silly jack-o-lantern faces, and then layer the cup with favorite healthy snacks, such as granola and chocolate chips or bananas and mandarins. Top with a dollop of whipped cream and enjoy!
Setting Goals with Your Preschooler
Want to learn more about Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy of Hamilton Mill located in Buford, Georgia? Our mission is to provide secure, nurturing, and educational environments for children ages 6 weeks – 12 years. We help children to bloom into responsible, considerate, and contributing members of society. For more information, give us a call or stop by for a tour! We’d love to get to know you and your family.