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Labor Day

Labor Day is celebrated in many different ways but the true meaning behind the holiday sometimes gets lost in translation. The first Monday of September is a tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country created by the labor movement ( The holiday is a day to reflect on your career achievements, celebrate the hard work put in every day, and a last hoorah as the end of summer. It is also a perfect day to teach your young ones about the working class and how they impact the country. Below is a craft that can help start a conversation about what they do for a living and how their career inspires others.

What will I be when I grow up?


Age-appropriate magazines


Craft glue


Craft markers


  • 1.With the markers, write “What will I be when I grow up?” at the top of the cardstock.
  • 2.Look through the magazines and carefully cut out pictures of people in a job uniform performing a skill or action.
  • 3.Glue each piece on the paper.
  • 4.Discuss each profession and how they contribute to society, then ask what your child would like to be when he or she grows up.
