Teaching your preschooler baseball early on is a great way to not only get them active, but to show them the love of a game that they could potentially play for the rest of their lives. At the early stages, this should be a fun activity done together with the intention of just getting the basics down.
Begin with the Basics
No two children are just alike, and some may need more introduction time to throwing and catching than others. Start with the basic, fun activity of just tossing a ball back and forth. If they’re fast to learn this, give them a child’s glove to practice with, or just to hold.
Try T-Ball!
T ball is an easy stepping stone to familiarizing your child with swinging and hitting the ball. Stand your child at the T correctly, showing them how to swing slowly at first by moving their arms for them. While this activity should be fun and not like a structured lesson, the earlier you show them how to swing correctly, the better. At any time, if your child seems to just enjoy swinging or throwing without caring much for accuracy, allow them to just have fun.
Keep Practicing
Once your preschooler is comfortable with hitting the ball on the T and can aim well enough, move on to throwing a ball to them and seeing if they can bat. Softer, bigger baseballs and lighter bats are ideal for smaller children who will just need to focus on the gestures and will have a harder time aiming. If your child is showing signs of frustration, don’t let them throw their bat or make a fuss. Teaching them how to take on a new, harder skill is just as important as teaching them the skill itself.
At the preschool level, most of the learning at this point is the basics, and they’re not going to have the hand-eye coordination that the game fully requires. Tell them this is okay, and take breaks if necessary. Let this be a fun, light hearted activity that’s mostly about time together and introducing a new game to them. If done right, your child may find the passion for the game by the time they’re ready to step up to a bigger plate.
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How do You Get Preschool Children to do Chores?
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