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For lots of families, the magic of the holiday season quickly shifts to stress over all the stuff that has to be cleaned up, sorted through, and put away. Would you believe that with some key steps and a bit of planning, your family can move into the new year with a home that feels organized and refreshed? It’s true! Start 2023 off with these home habits that every­body can help with and enjoy.

Clear Clutter = Clear Head

An influx of generous gifts added to all the other things your family already owned becomes overwhelm­ing fast. Add in all those outgrown cold weather clothes from previous winters, and suddenly, you’re staring down a mountain that invites dread instead of sleds. Clearing this clutter creates peaceful spaces your family can actually enjoy! January is the perfect time to sort through your belongings and purge what you no longer need, then donating, discard­ing, or storing everything else. Tackle this in small steps to avoid burning out! One room or a set amount of time a day can make the task manageable.

Evaluate Essentials

Diapers and tissues and toothpaste, oh my! When it comes to family essentials, it’s important to always have necessities at hand. After clearing out the excess, brain­storm what sorts of things you use on a regular basis. Toiletries, chil­dren’s medicines, laundry and cleaning supplies, pantry goods, and first aid items are some common needs. Head to the store to snag some post-holiday deals and stock up so you aren’t left scrambling. Remember not to go overboard! Don’t buy more than you’ll be able to use, even if the deal is amazing.

Smart Spaces and Practical Places

Don’t let that conscious purging and purchasing be for naught! Everything should have a designated “home” that makes sense for your family. Some sleek storage spaces are more fancy than they are functional. Keeping objects close to where they’re used, accessible, and easy to find is much more likely to encourage family mem­bers to keep up with cleaning up. That includes kid toys and belongings, too! One mantra that helps? “Put away, not down!”

Perfect is the Enemy of Progress

Don’t beat yourself up when faced with inevitable messes! No family space will be picture-perfect all of the time. As­signing everybody regular tasks, doing bite-sized maintenance, and scheduling bigger cleaning windows can keep your home feeling lived-in, not unlivable. If all you manage in a day is tossing stuffies in a hamper, corralling shoes into a closet, or sorting the junk drawer, no problem; find what is sustainable for your unique family and stick to it!