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Getting ready to welcome a new baby into your family is an exciting time, but it can also be a big adjustment for your older child. As parents, we want to make sure older siblings feel loved and included during this transition. How can we prepare young children for the arrival of their new baby sibling? Try these tips for supportive, smooth sibling introductions.

Get Your Child Involved

Involving your child in the pregnancy journey can create a sense of excitement and anticipation. Take them to prenatal appointments, let them feel the baby kick, and show them ultrasound pictures to foster a connection to their future sibling. Giving your child a special role as the “big sibling” can help them feel proud and enthusiastic. Encourage them to help with simple tasks, like choosing baby clothes or singing lullabies, while making sure to highlight how important they are and how much you appreciate them helping you with the new baby.

Open Communication

Talk openly and positively about the upcoming arrival. Explain how babies need extra care and attention, just like your child did when they were a baby. Assure them that they will always be loved and cherished. Read books about new siblings and watch child-friendly shows that depict positive sibling relationships. These resources can provide a framework for discussing the new family dynamics and can be a fun way to engage your child in conversations. Don’t shy away from the realities of having a baby sibling, like new noises, schedules, and sharing of belongings and attention. Let them exp          ress big feelings, especially if they’re nervous or upset. This is healthy and normal. Role-playing scenarios and affirmations can be helpful in teaching your child how to navigate these brand-new situations with confidence.

Start with Baby Steps

You can also help prepare your child without overwhelming them by gradually introducing small changes. Start adjusting your family’s routines and involving them in age-appropriate chores. This way, they’ll have fewer changes to get used to when the baby is around, and you won’t be dealing with major upsets to their daily activities while you’re also juggling a newborn.

Every child is unique, so tailor your approach to your child’s temperament and needs. With encouragement, enthusiasm, love, and reassurance, you can help them embrace their new baby sibling and foster a loving sibling bond that will last a lifetime.


How to Prepare Your Older Children for a New Baby, Healthy Children

Preparing Your Child for a New Sibling, Child Mind Institute

Helping Kids Adjust to Life With the New Baby, Janet Lansbury

Preparing Your Child for a New Baby, UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospitals

How Can I Prepare My Toddler for a New Baby?, Dr. Harvey Karp, MD, FAAP

Welcoming a New Sibling: How to Help Your Child Adjust, American Academy of Pediatrics