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Children adore sea turtles for their intriguing appearance, relationship with the vast ocean, and adventurous spirit.

A perfect snack to match is these Kiwi Apple Turtles! Your little ones will love creating adorable edible turtles from a few simple ingredients: kiwi fruit, apple slices, and grapes. With a splash of creativity and a sprinkle of imagination, children can craft their own unique turtle creations while learning about the delicious world of fruits and sea turtles! This activity promotes fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination, while also encouraging a love for healthy snacking and exploring new flavors. Through these playful learning creations, children develop a deeper appreciation for the wonders of nature, including majestic sea turtles, and the importance of preserving their ocean habitats for generations to come.

– Kiwi slices
– Green apple slices
– Green grapes
– Candy eyes
– Honey

1. Lay each kiwi slice and apple round flat, and place a grape at one end of each for the head.
2. Cut some grapes into quarters for feet, and others into slices for the tail.
3. Stick candy eyes onto the grapes with a drop of honey.