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The Magic of Touch

Babies are wonderful, but there’s no denying that sometimes it can be difficult to meet their needs. Deciphering cries, anxiously assessing milestones, and simply coexisting with a loud and fragile new life can be stressful for everyone, making it difficult to connect and find relief. Fortunately, there are tools that can help to address all of these concerns. Even better – they’re not expensive, fancy gadgets. All you need are your hands! Infant massage is a peaceful way to spend some quality time with your little one while providing a wide range of benefits that can enhance your baby’s (and your own) well-being.

Why is the gentle skin-to-skin contact during massage so soothing and comforting? Touch releases oxytocin, sometimes called “the love hormone” for the warm fuzzy feelings it produces. It’s a great way to settle down after a stimulating situation or to prepare for a relaxing sleep. That oxytocin is working its magic on your feelings, too, strengthening your bond and affection for your baby even if you’ve had a challenging day.

Developing Strong Bodies

Massage can also support infants’ physical development. Gentle strokes and kneading can improve blood circulation, enhance muscle tone, and even encourage the development of the nervous system. Stretching, looking around, reaching, and kicking are all important building blocks for the bigger physical skills to come. An engaging massage is basically a mini workout without the gym membership!

Relieving Discomfort

Did you know that massage can also alleviate some common baby discomforts? For grumpy tummies, try some techniques that relieve gas and reflux pains, like bicycling the legs and reaching the knees up. Gentle facial and chest massage can help with congestion. For issues like torticollis, medically-directed massage can loosen and strengthen the necessary muscles to minimize stiffness and increase range of motion. Oxytocin also makes a difference when it comes to general pain relief.

When it comes to baby massage, it’s important to choose the right time and create a peaceful environment. Pick a time when both you and your baby are relaxed, and find a cozy spot where you can comfortably sit or lie down. Use a gentle, safe oil or lotion to avoid any skin irritations, and warm it up in your hands before applying it to your baby’s delicate skin. Start with slow, gentle strokes, observing your baby’s reactions and adjusting your touch accordingly. Pay attention to their cues and let them guide you. And don’t worry if you’re not an expert from day one – with practice, you’ll become a pro masseuse in no time!

Infant massage is an easy, free, and effective way to bond with your baby, promote their well-being, and create beautiful memories together. Here’s to hands-on parenting!


Infant Massage: Benefits and Techniques, Lancaster General Health, Penn Medicine

Baby Massage Guide in Pictures, Raising Children Network

Use Baby Massage to Grow a Baby’s Mind, Body & Soul