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Gardens aren’t just pretty hobbies or practical food sources – they’re also classrooms! Research shows that gardening with kids positively impacts the brain, body, and spirit. Read on to learn more about growing together.

Start Small

You don’t need a huge backyard to get started. Begin with a small container garden on your porch or a sunny windowsill. Let your child choose what they want to grow, whether it’s vibrant flowers or delicious herbs. This way, they’ll feel a sense of ownership and responsibility for their plants.

Count on Community

Community gardens are an excellent way to connect with nature and other families. Check if there’s a community garden in your area and get involved. Your child will not only learn about gardening but also develop valuable social skills and a sense of community.

Embrace Accessibility

Accessibility is important everywhere, gardens included. Raised beds can make gardening more comfortable and inclusive, and sturdy pots at reachable levels ensure no tipping, crashing, or lifting will hinder any budding green thumbs. Involve your child in the planning and design process, ensuring they can get to the plants and tools they need.

Express Yourself

Gardening provides endless opportunities for creativity. Encourage your child to design their own garden layout, decorate plant markers, or create a scarecrow. Garden journals, planter construction, imaginative small-world play, insect observation – there’s something for every kind of kid. Let their imaginations bloom!

Nearer to Nature

Gardening allows children to connect with the natural world and develop a sense of environmental stewardship. Teach them about the importance of composting, water conservation, and attracting pollinators, and instill a deep appreciation for nature.

Boost brain development, motor skills, sensory awareness, and problem-solving abilities. Foster healthy habits and appreciation for plants, animals, and other people. Cultivate social skills, teamwork, community connection, and a sense of responsibility. The research-backed benefits of childhood gardening are broad and undeniable. Gardening with kids is good for their bodies, good for their brains, and good for the world around them, so grab some shovels, get your hands dirty, and watch your child blossom!

Gardening With Kids: How It Affects Your Child’s Brain, Body and Soul, PBS. – 7 Tips for Vegetable Gardening With Your Toddler, NAEYC. – Raised Beds 101, Create an Accessible Garden for Those of all Physical Abilities, Why Garden With Kids?, Kids Gardening. – Community Gardens are an Important Part of The Early Childhood Education Ecosystem, Early Childhood Education and Care.