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Banana Waffle Bonanza

Rise and shine! It’s time for a breakfast snack adventure.

This Banana Waffle Bonanza is a scrumptious activity that also serves up a plateful of benefits for learning and growing. As your mini-chef spreads the nut butter and slices the bananas, their fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination are getting a workout to strengthen their tiny grip. The sensory exploration of the different ingredients will tickle the taste buds and ignite your little one’s curious mind. Did you know that cooking together strengthens bonds, creating memories that will make your heart melt faster than butter on a warm waffle? Encourage communication, taking turns, and problem-solving as you navigate the kitchen gathering and preparing the ingredients. Embrace the mess and work together cleaning up. By involving your little one in the cleaning process, you’re instilling the importance of organization and responsibility. Plus, a clean kitchen means more space for creating culinary masterpieces, and fewer chances of finding hidden banana peels underfoot!

– Waffles (frozen or homemade)
– Nut butter (or alternative)
– Banana
– Honey


1. If you are using frozen waffles, heat waffles as directed on package. If you are making homemade waffles, follow your favorite waffle recipe!
2. Once the waffles are done, spread the nut butter on top of the waffle.
3. Slice up the banana and place the slices on top of the nut butter.
4. Drizzle honey all over the waffle.
5. Serve & enjoy!