To enroll, the center requires the following:
1. Enrollment application and registration fee (non-refundable.)
2. Health Requirement Form with current immunizations and physician’s signature that gives your child permission to attend school.
3. Child Profile Form
4. Infant Information Sheet (if applicable)
5. Health and Emergency Permission Record
6. Transportation Agreement
7. Parental Agreement
8. Internet Access Form
9. Parent Handbook Receipt
10. Permission to apply sunscreen and bug spray
11. Photo release
The immunization records must be up-dated as the schedule requires, with physician’s signature authorizing the child’s attendance at day care. All children in care are required to be current on all immunizations, or they will need to be excluded from care.
Staff members should be up to date on a vaccine preventable diseases.
Registration fee is required annually on anniversary date.
The Special Sense & Communication Disorders act, Texas Health & Code, Chapter 36 requires a screening or professional examination for possible vision and hearing problems for all children 4 years and older. We must have on file: the individual vision and hearing screening or a signed statement from the child’s parent that the child’s screening records are current and on file at the pre-kindergarten program or school the child attends away from the center. The statement must be dated and include the name, address, and telephone number of the Pre-K program or school.