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Outdoor Activities for Kids That Enhance Gross Motor Skills

Daily physical activity is important for kids, especially during summer, when it’s tempting to let them sit on the couch scrolling on their phones or tablets or playing video games. And while getting out and getting active will keep them physically and mentally fit, it’s critical to structure their play to help them develop gross motor skills.

Let’s look at gross motor skills, why they’re crucial to your child’s development, and fun ideas to keep them active and healthy.

Children’s Development

Gross motor skills are physical movements that coordinate using large muscle groups, such as the torso, arms, and legs. Everyday activities that use these muscle groups are running, jumping, catching, and kicking.

Because gross motor skills are used in daily activities, it’s crucial that you encourage your child to build these skills for their strength and physical wellbeing. According to, Gross motor skills are essential to enable children to perform everyday functions, such as walking and running, playground skills (e.g., climbing), and sporting skills (e.g., throwing and hitting a ball with a bat).

However, having strong gross motor skills goes beyond playing; they’re essential for performing everyday tasks like putting on your pants without falling over and getting in and out of a car. Gross motor skills also help children build good posture, balance, and endurance.
Experts agree that you should encourage your children’s gross motor skill development as early as possible, but children develop at different rates, so if your child is a little behind, you can start now to help them catch up.

Outdoor Activities

Summer is the perfect time to help your kids build their gross motor skills, and although the new school year is approaching quickly, there’s plenty of daylight, and warm weather left to take advantage of. Here are some great activities your kids will enjoy.


The most basic activity your kid can do to develop their gross motor skills is going for a walk. Consider taking your kid out on a nature trail to explore the various birds, plants, and wildlife to make it fun, or go for a walk around the block. You can make a game out of it to see how many steps they can take, hopping on one foot, skipping, or walking backward.

2.Playing Ball

The great thing about playing ball is the countless ways to do it. It can be as simple as tossing a ball back and forth with your child or more complex like kickball or basketball. Playing ball helps develop your child’s motor skills and hand-eye coordination, and it’s an easy-to-do, fun activity that may spark their interest in athletics down the road.

3.Simon Says

Simon Says is a popular game that kids love to play, and it’s a great way to engage all their muscle groups at once. Whether Simon says to stand up, sit down, run around in a circle, or hop on one foot, there are endless possibilities to get your kids moving and having fun.


Most kids love splashing and playing in the water, and it’s an excellent way to beat the summer heat while training their gross motor skills in the process. If you have young children who aren’t adept at swimming, you can fit them with appropriate flotation devices and let them enjoy the water by kicking their legs and moving their arms. Swimming is one of the best exercises for kids and adults because it simultaneously engages all large muscle groups.

5.Red Light Green Light

The Red Light Green Light game has been around for years; it’s fun, easy to understand, and doesn’t require any money. If you’ve never played it, here’s a rundown on how to play.

Create a start and finish line, then get the kids to line up at the start. When the leader yells green light, everyone runs toward the finish line. When the leader says red light, everyone must stop. If any player is still moving when the leader yells red light, they must return to the starting line.

Once everyone crosses the finish line, you can start a new round. One of the great things about Red Light Green Light is that you can vary the rules, like having to walk heel to toe, galloping, hopping, or skipping towards the finish line.


Most kids love jumping on a trampoline, which is another excellent gross muscle skill builder. Jumping on a trampoline helps them develop strong legs and balance. Whether you’re using your trampoline or your kids are at a neighbor’s house, be sure there’s always adult supervision to keep everyone safe.


Another fun outdoor activity that doesn’t require money or much preparation is hopscotch. Hopscotch is an excellent way for kids to develop balancing and coordination skills. If the weather isn’t cooperating, you can set up a hopscotch game in your hallway or living room.

8.Playground Play

Finally, take a day or two to allow your kids to play at the local playground. Most playgrounds have jungle gyms, monkey bars, swings, and obstacles for them to play on that will help buildstrength, balance, and gross motor skills.
These are just a few outdoor activities your child can engage in to help them develop their critical motor skills and overall physical health while having fun in the sun.

Prepare Your Kids for Kindergarten

School is right around the corner, and there’s no better way to get your children ready and stimulate their love for learning than enrolling them in our VPK program. The VPK program at Kids R’ Kids at Avalon Park features daily activities that your child will find enthralling and engaging, nutritious meals, a steam lab, and plenty of playground activity in a secure and safe environment.
At Kids R’ Kids at Avalon Park, we love children and helping them get the best start possible on their educational journey in life. Our facilities are family-owned and operated by people in the community you can trust. Our learning academies are nationally renowned, technologically advanced, and safe. For more information about how your child can benefit from our VPK or other programs, contact us today to schedule a visit at 407-306-9035. We’re conveniently located at 12881 Tanja King Blvd., Orlando, Florida.