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Gardening with Kids

Gardening is enriching for children of all ages. March 23rd – 27th at Kids R Kids in Avalon Park we will be doing lots of outdoor activities with your little ones. We will create handprint flowers, plant seeds, work on butterfly gardens, and go on nature walks!

You don’t need a lot of space outside to grow plants. You can plant seedlings in pots or edible vines along a trellis if you don’t have much space in your yard. You’ll reap more than a small harvest from your garden.

How Does Gardening Benefit Kids?

child care in avalon park flGardening Makes Eating Healthy Fun

Growing greens and other vegetables with your kids is a great way to help them develop healthy eating habits. Kids get excited about eating green beans, lettuce, and other vegetables when they’ve grown and harvested them. You may be shocked when your little one can’t wait to eat zucchini because he’s proud of growing it himself.

Gardening Puts Science & Math in Action

Hands-on projects like gardening engage children’s minds. It’s a fertile opportunity (excuse the pun!) to teach them about complex concepts and put math in action. When you grow plants with your children, you can teach them about photosynthesis, soil composition and more! Studies have shown that children who participated in gardening projects score higher in science. Measuring the growth of your plants from week to week and counting their flowers as they bloom allows you to incorporate math too.

Gardening Builds Up Kid’s Immune System & Fine Motor Skills

Working in the dirt with their hands is wonderful for kids’ immune systems and fine motor skills. Studies suggest that early exposure to germs decreases the risk of developing asthma, allergies, and autoimmune conditions. Gardening is a healthy way to expose your toddler and preschooler to germs that can strengthen their immune system. They’ll build strong muscles and develop their fine motor skills by digging in the garden, toting a heavy watering can and doing other gardening tasks.

Gardening Makes Kids Feel Good

There is nothing better than seeing a smile on your child’s face. Gardening can be hard work but it also brings children joy. Studies have shown that working outside with soil improves kids’ moods and learning experiences. It also decreases their anxiety. What better way to support your kid’s mental health and get her away from a screen than by gardening together

gardening with childrenWhat Plants to Grow with Kids?

The best plants to grow with children are ones with a short growing season like cherry tomatoes and carrots. Seeing the rapid growth of seedlings helps kids stay engaged and excited. (Check out EarthEasy’s Top 10 Crops for Children for more plants that are great for growing with kids. Their website also offers a wide range of gardening resources to help you get started. If you want to dive deep into gardening, you’ll find what you’re looking for at Kids Gardening.)

Microgreens are also a wonderful option for new gardeners. They are easy to care for and sprout quickly. If you don’t have a green thumb, a microgreens kit like these from HAMAMA and Simply Ginger may be the perfect way to get in gardening with your kids.

Helping children flourish emotionally, intellectually, and physically is our primary goal at Kids R Kids Avalon Park. Our curriculum and activities at our Childcare Center are shaped by this philosophy. That’s why we promote activities like gardening that enrich children in every way. If you’d like to learn more about our childcare philosophy, contact us!