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Importance of Dental Care for Children

Wednesday, February 19th is “Dental Day” at Kids ‘R’ Kids Avalon Park. Elite Dental will be visiting our campus to highlight the importance of dental health. They will have a special gift for the children and will be sharing tips to keep your kid’s teeth clean and healthy!

Helping your kids learn dental hygiene during their preschool years is more important than you might realize. Although they will lose their baby teeth, early tooth decay can have a lasting impact on their oral health. Developing cavities in their baby teeth can cause pain and even lead to potentially life-threatening infections.

Tooth decay is the top health issue for preschoolers. You can help your child protect their teeth and gums by following these recommendations at home:

Model good dental hygiene by brushing your teeth together in the morning and evening.

Dentists recommend brushing your teeth for at least 2 minutes 2 times a day. Listening to a song or a short, child-friendly podcast like Chompers, can help you brush for the correct length of time. Be sure that your kids thoroughly clean the top, bottom, inside and outside of their teeth. You may need to guide their hand to make sure they get every spot.

Teach them about the right amount of toothpaste to use when you brush your teeth.

Children under three should only have a smear of fluoride toothpaste on their toothbrush. Once they turn three, they can use a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste. It’s important to teach them to spit out the toothpaste when they are done instead of swallowing it. Even though fluoride helps to strengthen teeth, it can be detrimental for children to consume too much of it.

Don’t send them to bed with a bottle or a sippy cup of milk or juice.

Tooth decay is caused by the bacteria that builds up on teeth. The bacteria eat away at tooth enamel and create holes known as cavities. These bacteria can also cause gingivitis which makes gums swollen, red and sore. When kids fall asleep with a bottle or sippy cup in their mouth, it creates a breeding ground for bacteria. This can accelerate tooth decay. It also puts your child at risk of choking or developing ear infections.

Limit the amount of sugar your children eat throughout the day.

Eating a lot of sugar increases the risk or dental decay because oral bacteria thrive on it. It’s a good practice to teach your children to brush their teeth immediately after eating sticky sugary foods like dried fruit, caramel, and toffee. This will prevent their teeth from prolonged exposure to sugar.

Schedule visits with a pediatric dentist twice a year.

Even though your pediatrician should check your child’s teeth and gums during their well-child visits, your child should also have a “dental home.” The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends finding a dental home that your child visits twice a year so that any oral health issues can be caught early. Visiting the dentist a couple of times a year also reinforces the importance of oral hygiene and establishes a healthy routine for them to carry through adulthood.

If you’d like additional resources about children’s dental health, check out:

We hope that this information helps you establish good dental health habits with your children at home. If you’d like to learn more about “Dental Day” at Kids ‘R’ Kids Avalon Park or any of our other educational days, reach out to us!