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5 Fun Activities to Help Kids Build Their Motor Skills

As kids grow and develop, their motor skills are crucial in shaping their overall physical and cognitive abilities. Motor skills mean coordination and movement control and encompass gross motor skills (large muscle groups) and fine motor skills (precise hand and finger movements.) Engaging children in activities that develop their motor skills will improve their development and build their confidence and self-esteem. In this post, we look at five activities your children will love that help them build their motor skills.

Pre school learning in Avalon Park, FL

Obstacle Course Adventures

Setting up an obstacle course in your backyard or nearby park is an excellent way to get kids moving and challenge their gross motor skills while also being a ton of fun. The great thing about this activity is that it doesn’t have to be expensive or elaborate; use items like hula hoops and old tires to jump through, cones to zigzag between, and benches to jump over. Obstacle courses encourage kids to run, jump, hop, and balance, improving their coordination, agility, and spatial awareness. To make it even more fun, time them as they run through the course and encourage them to beat their previous records.

Playdough Party

Playdough has been a staple of children’s lives since the 1950s, and it’s still going strong today. Kids love exploring their creative sides with this simple toy, but it’s also an excellent tool to help them develop their fine motor skills. Kneading, pinching, and manipulating playdough strengthens the muscles in their hands and fingers, which help them with more critical tasks like tying their shoes, zipping zippers, and writing as they grow.

If your child is old enough, you can introduce tools like cookie cutters, rolling pins, and safety scissors to further their skills and make playtime more enjoyable.

Bike Riding Adventures

Most adults have fond memories of learning to ride a bike. Bike riding isn’t only fun; it’s another excellent activity to help kids develop motor skills like balance and coordination. Start with a tricycle or training wheels for beginners, and gradually progress to two- wheeled bikes as they become more confident. Riding bikes is something the whole family can enjoy, and it’s great exercise too.


Hopscotch is another fun activity that’s been around for decades and doesn’t require much to play. Hopscotch will help children develop their gross motor skills as they hop, skip, and jump while remaining balanced. Hopscotch also helps children develop spatial awareness as they navigate the grid and try to stay in the squares. Besides using their motor skills, hopscotch allows kids to use problem-solving and critical thinking skills, figuring out how to move through the grid without falling. Finally, while kids can play hopscotch by themselves, it’s more fun with a group, which helps them develop social skills as they learn to take turns, follow the rules, and cooperate.

arts and crafts for kids building motor skills, Avalon Park FL

Arts and Crafts

Engaging in arts and crafts activities allows children to hone their fine motor skills while unleashing their creativity and having fun. Like other examples on our list, involving your kids in arts and crafts doesn’t have to be expensive; you can find most supplies, like scissors, glue, crayons, construction paper, and paint, at your local dollar store. Cutting, drawing, painting, and gluing develop hand-eye coordination, finger dexterity, and precision, plus it stimulates the brain. You can get your kids into hundreds of low-cost activities to develop their gross and fine motor skills. The point is to find ones they enjoy and hold their interest.

Register for our 2023-24 VPK

Kids R’ Kids at Avalon Park offers a free VPK program for 4-year-olds to prepare them for kindergarten and their ongoing educational journey. Our program has flexible drop- off and pick-up times to fit busy work schedules and offers activities stimulating children’s minds and bodies. Our VPK is hosted in a safe environment with certified teachers who undergo extensive state-mandated background checks. Space is limited, so contact us today at 407-306-9035 to enroll your child or fill out our online form.