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Celebrating Dr. Seuss Week

Theodore Seuss Geisel, better known as Dr. Seuss, was a children’s book author and artist best known for classic books like “The Cat in the Hat” and “Green Eggs and Ham,” which are just as popular with kids today as they were years ago. Dr. Seuss Week is celebrated this year from March 2 to 6. It begins on the birthday of Dr. Seuss and is dedicated to helping children become interested in reading and creativity.

At Kids R Kids, our mission is to prepare children for their future education better, and one of the best ways to do that is to cultivate a love for reading and the arts. Here are some excellent ways you and your children can celebrate Seuss and the amazing legacy he left behind.


What better way to celebrate Dr. Seuss Week than reading one of his books daily with your kids? Or, if your children are old enough, let them pick a book and read it to you or the rest of the family. Check with your local library to see if any reading groups are dedicated to Dr. Seuss for this special week.

Make Cat in the Hat Hats

The Cat in the Hat is probably the most famous of Dr. Seuss’ characters. As you know, the cat wears a distinctive hat, and it can be great fun for kids to make their own versions. Simply get some easel paper and paint stripes on it in your color choice. Once the paint has dried, roll the paper and tape it together to make the famous stove-pipe hat.

Draw Dr. Seuss-Inspired Art

One thing that separates Dr. Seuss from other children’s book authors is his unique art style — there’s no mistaking it for anyone else. Since most kids love to draw and paint, have them test their hand at drawing in the style of Dr. Seuss, either by copying a character from one of his books or coming up with something unique using his style.
Have a Dr. Seuss Themed Birthday Party

Let’s face it; it doesn’t matter whose birthday it is; as long as there’s cake, games, and fun, kids will get excited to participate. Depending on your children’s ages, you can allow them to help plan the party, picking decorations and what kind of cake and snacks to serve. And, of course, everything can be Dr. Seuss related.

Make Seuss-Inspired Crafts

Dr. Seuss created so many interesting characters and stories; you and your children can create endless craft ideas based on them. For example, there are many crafts you could do based on One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish, like making origami fish figures or blow painting based on Thing 1 and Thing 2. There are hundreds of ideas online; most can be done with things you already have around the house.

Cat in the Hat Hat Snacks

Whether you want to make these for your Dr. Seuss party or as a fun activity to celebrate the artist, you can make healthy, tasty Cat in the Hat snacks by slicing bananas and strawberries and arranging them on top of a sandwich cookie. Voila, you have a Cat in the Hat Hat snack!

Get Grinchy

Just because Christmas is a long way off doesn’t mean you can channel Dr. Seuss’ other famous character, The Grinch. Making Grinch-related crafts or watching the movie inspires your kids to be creative and prepares them for Christmas. One easy-to-make Grinch-themed craft is popsicle sticks. Simply get a handful of popsicle sticks, red and green acrylic paint, some colored construction paper, and a glue gun to make cute Grinch characters that the kids can save and put on the tree when Christmas arrives.

As you can see, the sky is the limit if you’re looking for fun ideas to celebrate Dr. Seuss’s week, and most activities are inexpensive and can be done by children of all ages.

Grinch Crafts for Dr. Seuss WeekAbout Us

Kids R Kids at Avalon Park offers a VPK program to set your child up for success in kindergarten and beyond. We give them a fun, safe arena to help them learn and develop. Our VPK features:

– Daily activities
– Steam lab
– Security
– Nutritious meals
– Playground & splashpad
– And more

Registration is open for our VPK for 2023-24, but spaces fill up quickly. For more information or to schedule a tour, call 407-306-9035 or apply online!