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How to Keep Kids Occupied This Winter

Winter is well underway, and while there’s no shortage of outside activities for kids, there’s only so much you can do before having to come inside. It’s easy for kids to become restless while indoors, and many parents don’t want their children wasting hours on their devices. Here are a few fun indoor activities to keep preschool kids and older children alike entertained and to stimulate their minds.

Build an Indoor Fort

Kids love building forts to play and sleep in. You can create a simple indoor fort using blankets, pillows, boxes, or whatever else you can find to give your kids a house-within-a-house experience. To make your fort more exciting, consider adding lights or lanterns, so the kids can snuggle in with their favorite book or craft activity.

Family Board Game Night with Children in Avalon Park FL

Schedule a Game Day

If the weather outside is frightful, turn the day into board game day. There are hundreds of fun board games kids and adults can enjoy, from go fish to Twister. Board games and physical games help stimulate your children’s minds and encourage activity instead of being couch potatoes.

Indoor Scavenger Hunts

Another fun indoor activity to chase the winter doldrums away is to have an indoor scavenger hunt. Planning an indoor scavenger hunt doesn’t have to be complicated; a little imagination goes a long way. Participating in an indoor scavenger hunt not only keeps kids engaged in a fun activity, but helps them develop critical thinking skills as they work through riddles to lead them to the next item on their list.

Put on a Play

Kids love dressing up and pretending to be someone else, and a play caters to both. You probably have leftover items from Halloween and Christmas that kids can dress up in and use as props to act out a story they’ve read or a scene from their favorite movie for the family. You might want to record their performance to share with grandparents or other family members or for posterity’s sake.

Arts & Crafts

Making arts and crafts is an old standby because kids love making things and working with their hands. If you’re stuck on what to make, there are thousands of ideas you can find online, ranging from creating custom bookmarks to turning old plastic bottles into toys. The great thing about crafting is that you can do well with something you have on hand, and you’re only limited by your imagination.

Story Time

Kids love telling and hearing stories. To pass the time and get your kids away from their gadgets, set a time each day or when you can for story time. Let your kids pick out a book, so you can read it to them. Or, turn the tables and let them read to you.

Put a Puzzle Together

Putting together a puzzle can make the hours go by and give your kids a sense of accomplishment when they’re finished. Like the other activities on our list, puzzles can be simple or elaborate depending on your child’s age and ability.

Indoor Family Fun Activities in Avalon Park FL

Indoor Bowling

Keeping kids physically active inside is challenging, but indoor bowling solves that problem, and it’s loads of fun too. You can purchase bowling sets online or make them with plastic bottles and a rubber ball. The great thing about setting up an indoor bowling game is that it’s perfect for children of all ages, so no one feels excluded.

This is a short list of the many indoor activities you and your kids can do when you’re stuck inside. It’s a good idea to find as many as you can and write them down, so the next time your kids complain about being bored, you can pick something and have some fun together.

Contact Us

Kids R’ Kids at Avalon Park has many exciting and challenging activities for kids in our VPK program to help them learn and better prepare them for their further education. If you’re interested in enrolling your child, contact us at 407-306-9035 or reach us online.