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Big Steps Curriculum® for Infants

We blend healthy doses of love and encouragement with a curriculum carefully engineered by some of the best early education experts in the industry.

Developed for ages 6 weeks to 18 months

In the Big Steps Curriculum®, infants are immersed in engaging experiences designed to promote motor and sensory interaction. Planned activities invite them to explore and play, which foster curiosity, persistence, creativity and problem solving.

This interaction, along with close bonds with their teachers, supports the development of abilities your baby needs to succeed in learning, literacy, and life.

VIDEO: Discover why Kids ‘R’ Kids is the Smart Choice for your child’s first early learning experience

The Kids 'R' Kids Infant Experience

Nurturing your infant with early experiences that matter for brain development is essential for future learning. See how a day at Kids ‘R’ Kids will captivate your infant and set the foundation for incredible bursts of growth into the toddler years and beyond.

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Key Infant Curriculum Activities

Growing minds and bodies through meaningful play

Cognitive & Physical Development

Your baby will explore and experiment with hands-on activities that connect learning to their interests. See below for examples of stimulating experiences that use themes, reading, music, art, physical activity, and daily outdoor times to reinforce skills and help your child accomplish important milestones.

  • Placing a book just within reach presents a small physical challenge, encourages your infant to explore and inspires persistence.
  • Important math and science skills are developed as children experience new encounters through touch, taste, sight, hearing, and smell each day.
Expanding horizons through the art of expression

Language & Literacy Development

Meaningful interactions with adults allow babies to develop important communication skills. Teachers connect with each child by describing experiences, reading stories, singing songs, and teaching sign language to improve literacy.

  • As part of daily activities designed to promote communication and reduce frustration, sign language helps your baby express basic emotions, wants and needs.
  • Mimicking vocal sounds like babbling, cooing, gurgling, growling, and giggling enhances language development.
Celebrating our differences while sharing our joy

Social & Emotional Development

We understand how unique your baby and family are and honor that fact with respect to each family’s culture or needs. Whether it is reading books that celebrate diversity or hearing teachers describe family photos placed around the room, your baby will have a solid foundation for making friends and accepting differences.

  • Creative activities that include simple art materials and musical instruments allow for plenty of self-expression.
  • We seek to build self-esteem and encourage acceptance through the use of multi-cultural puppets and toys to tell stories, introduce concepts, and sing songs.
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Big Steps Curriculum® & Brain Waves®

Our Big Steps Curriculum® for infants is enhanced to include our Brain Waves® Curriculum which boosts your child’s intellectual capacity and ensures future success in school. Crucial during your child’s first five years, healthy brain development is maximized through stimulating interactions and experiences. Because of this, our Brain Waves® Curriculum enhances our core to boost your child’s intellectual capacity and ensure future success in education and life.

THE INFANT ACTIVITY BOOK included HERE gives clear insight on how the brain works with fun exercises you can do with your baby.