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Big Steps Curriculum® for Toddlers

Perfectly named to fit this fast-paced time in their lives, our Big Steps Curriculum is written to encourage your toddler to reach higher and strive farther.

Developed for ages 18 to 36 months

The Big Steps Curriculum® for toddlers fosters social and intellectual development by introducing new concepts at the right time, encouraging persistence, inspiring friendships, and giving your child the freedom to develop independence.

As your child matures from infant to toddler, they begin to practice skills through sign language, books, puppet play, music, singing, games, and conversations with peers and adults.

VIDEO: Discover why Kids ‘R’ Kids is the Smart Choice for your toddler

The Kids 'R' Kids Toddler Experience

Engaging your toddler in experiential learning that is both structured and fun will promote a lifelong love of learning, establish a solid foundation for literacy, and form meaningful life skills for future success. This video gives us a glimpse of how a day at Kids ‘R’ Kids will delight your toddler.

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Key Toddler Curriculum Activities

Teaching your toddler the FUNdamentals

Cognitive & Physical Development

Learning through sensory play and physical activity reinforces reasoning skills, improves attention span, and sharpens memory skills.

  • Activities such as popping bubbles floating in the air help toddlers develop thinking skills as they repeat a desired action to determine cause and effect.
  • Rolling a ball to a friend helps a toddler strengthen visual tracking skills while connecting to people and their surroundings.
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Communication is an essential component to growth

Language & Literacy Development

Engaging in conversations, asking questions, following directions, and using more complex vocabulary establishes a solid foundation for your toddler’s ability to communicate and collaborate with others.

  • Stimulating hearing with songs and chants in a new language builds auditory skills and neural pathways for essential brain development.
  • Reading a variety of appealing books each day promotes the proper handling of books and builds a language-rich environment.
Fostering future problem solvers

Social & Emotional Development

Positive interactions teach toddlers how to regulate emotions and have confidence in conquering obstacles.

  • Simple art activities teach how to communicate a range of emotions like happy, sad, afraid, or surprised.
  • Playing “Follow the Leader” during clean-up time encourages healthy independence.
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Big Steps Curriculum® & Brain Waves®

Crucial during your child’s first five years, healthy brain development is maximized through stimulating interactions and experiences. Because of this, our Brain Waves® Curriculum enhances our core curriculum to boost your child’s intellectual capacity and ensure future success in education and life.

THE INFANT/TODDLER ACTIVITY BOOK included HERE gives clear insight on how the brain works with fun exercises you can do with your child.