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Give Your Kids the Gift of Gratitude

Give Your Kids the Gift of Gratitude at Kids 'R' Kids Eagle Springs, Daycare, childcare, preschool, learning academy

‘Twas The Season of Giving

And All of My Kids

Talked of Nothing More

Than What They Would Get.


If this is the holiday story in your home, try changing your child’s focus this year by modeling gratitude through L-O-V-E.

 Let your preschooler serve other people. Ask them to paint holiday pictures that can be made into cards for the elderly in a retirement community or children in the hospital. Ask them what their favorite part of the holidays is. Write a note about it in the card. Then deliver the cards together with your child.

 Offer to help your little one make a holiday dinner box for a family who is hungry. On December 1, ask them to decorate a cardboard box. Then, December 2, tell them to choose a food item for the box. Each day, add additional canned and boxed goods until mid-December. Once the box is full, ask your child why they are excited to give the box to this family and what they are thankful for in their own family.

 Value your kid’s contribution to your family gifts. Buy brown butcher paper instead of decorative wrapping paper and ask your preschooler to decorate it uniquely for each person receiving a gift. Use each “custom-made” paper to wrap each present.

 Encourage your child to cherish the person who gives them each gift more than the present itself. Say something like, “I know you love the model car Granddad gave you. Wasn’t it loving of him to get it for you? What do you like most about your Granddad? Let’s write him a note together and tell him.”

Using these “L-O-V-E” principles to foster thankfulness in your little ones can turn the hectic holidays into a true season of gratitude by showing your child how to give to others.

If you enjoyed this blog and want to read more, click below for our blog from last month!

Practicing Patience with Your Preschooler

Want to learn more about Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy of Eagle Springs located in Humble, Texas? Our mission is to provide secure, nurturing, and educational environments for children ages 6 weeks – 12 years. We help children to bloom into responsible, considerate, and contributing members of society. For more information, give us a call or stop by for a tour! We’d love to get to know you and your family.