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Christmas may be a universal festival, but its celebration is as diverse as the world itself. Let’s embark on a festive journey, teaching our preschoolers about the myriad ways Christmas is celebrated globally:

1. Sweden’s St. Lucia Day:

Before Christmas arrives, the Swedes celebrate St. Lucia Day on December 13th. Children can learn about girls wearing crowns made of candles and the singing of beautiful carols.

2. Australia’s Beachy Christmas:

Down Under, Christmas happens during summer! Share with kids how Australians often celebrate by heading to the beach, having barbecues, and even spotting Santa Claus in shorts!

3. Mexico’s Las Posadas:

For nine nights leading up to Christmas, Mexicans celebrate Las Posadas. It’s a reenactment of Mary and Joseph’s search for a place to stay. It’s filled with songs, candles, and, at the end, a piñata!

4. The Philippines’ Giant Lantern Festival:

Held in San Fernando, this festival showcases huge, colorful lanterns, lighting up the night. It’s a bright way to introduce children to the significance of light in festivities.

5. Ukraine’s Spiderweb Trees:

Share the Ukrainian legend of the poor woman who couldn’t decorate her tree, only to wake up on Christmas morning to find it covered in glistening spiderwebs.


Christmas is a festival of joy, love, and unity. And in its global celebrations, we see a tapestry of traditions that truly unite us in diversity. At Kids ‘R’ Kids, we aim to foster this global spirit, ensuring our little ones grow up with a broadened horizon and an enriched heart.

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Want to learn more about Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy of Bella Terra located in Richmond, Texas? Our mission is to provide secure, nurturing, and educational environments for children ages 6 weeks – 12 years. We help children to bloom into responsible, considerate, and contributing members of society. For more information, give us a call or stop by for a tour! We’d love to get to know you and your family.