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10 Benefits of After-School Programs for Kids

After-school programs are a staple in many schools and communities because of their many benefits. Here are ten ways your child can benefit from participating in an after-school program.

Better Academic Performance

After-school programs provide kids with the resources and guidance to excel in schoolwork. Many programs offer tutors and mentors to assist kids with homework, offer insight into complicated subjects, and teach effective study habits. Over time, many children enrolled in these programs see marked improvement in their grades and a better understanding of academic concepts.

After school programs in Avalon Park, FL

Safer and Structured Environment

For working parents, nothing is more important than knowing their child is safe when they’re not in school. Reputable after-school programs offer secure places where children can continue learning under the supervision of trusted adults. This reduces the chance of them getting involved in harmful situations or hanging around the wrong people.

Develop New Skills

Good after-school programs don’t have to be only about learning; many offer extracurricular activities like art, music, drama, and sports. Exposing kids to these activities allows them to learn and develop skills they may not have a chance to do during the normal school day. Learning a new skill can boost self-confidence and ignite a lifelong passion or hobby.

Promote Social Growth and Teamwork

Interacting with peers outside the classroom can help children build their social skills. Many after-school programs have activities that require working as a team. This helps kids understand the importance of cooperation and compromise and helps build friendships. Working with a group is helpful, especially for kids who are naturally introverted or have difficulty making friends outside of school.

Increased Self-Esteem

Working with others and achieving goals can boost confidence and self-esteem. Whether it’s completing a challenging homework task, making a great sports play, or leading a group, these accomplishments can make children feel better and show them that they can do anything they set their minds to.

Improved Work Habits and Discipline

Consistency is vital to developing good habits. Regularly attending after-school programs and participating in activities teaches kids the value of dedication, time management, and perseverance to accomplish goals. This is something that they can carry with them for the rest of their lives.

Family Support

After-school programs aren’t only beneficial for kids; they help families too. Parents can have peace of mind knowing their children are in a constructive and safe environment while they’re at work. Moreover, these programs often provide workshops and resources for parents to help them support their child’s education at home.

Reduced Risky Behavior

Research shows that children who participate in after-school programs are less likely to get involved in risky behaviors like drug or alcohol use or get involved with the “wrong crowd.”

Nutrition Support

Good after-school programs encourage healthy nutrition. After-school hours are typically when children snack on unhealthy foods. Reducing their intake of high-sugar food with low nutritional value can help children maintain a healthy weight, improve their sleep, and avoid energy spikes.

healthy after school snacks in Avalon, FL

Holistic Development

Blending academic support with extracurricular activities ensures that children receive a well-rounded development. They not only thrive academically but emotionally and physically.

Check Out Our After-School Programs

Kids R’ Kids at Avalon Park has before and after-school programs that offer exciting activities for kids to help them learn and grow. From fun character-building and STEAM- based activities to social interactions with real staying power, our curriculum is ideal for growing minds and bodies.

Call us today for more information or schedule a tour of our facility at 407-306-9035 or fill out our contact form.