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Getting Organized for Fall With Your Preschooler

Getting Organized for Fall With Your Preschooler at Kids 'R' Kids Waterford Lakes, preschool, daycare, childcare

If your child is getting ready to start her first day of preschool, you may feel overwhelmed and unsure of how to prepare for this huge step. Luckily, there are several things you can do to get your child ready for her first day, even if you feel like it’s right around the corner.

Write it all down

From putting it on a calendar to writing on a whiteboard, or even putting sticky notes around the house; the more you write things down, the more prepared you will be. Start creating a weekly calendar filled with your child’s new schedule and activities. Make a list of groceries you need to buy and make reminders for yourself of the things you’re normally sure you’ll remember. After doing these things, you’ll feel a lot less stressed or like you’re constantly forgetting something. 

Start your new schedule early

Just because school hasn’t started yet doesn’t mean you can’t begin to get your child acquainted with her new routine. If you don’t already, put your little one to bed at the time you would begin bedtime once school started so by the time school starts, she’ll be adjusted to her new sleep cycle and will be well rested for her first day.

Be honest

You may be tempted to avoid talking about this change too early, but refrain from keeping it a secret; the longer she has to process, the better. When picking out new things at the store for her first day, tell her what it’s for, and even have her help. If she shows signs of reluctance or nervousness, acknowledge these feelings and make her feel understood while also encouraging her that she has nothing to be afraid of. Regularly remind her of all the positive things that will excite her about starting school.

Start talking about school now

One of the biggest adjustments in a child’s life when she begins school is mental/emotional. Don’t get so busy trying to get lunches and carpools in order that you forget to truly sit down with your preschooler and talk to her about what to expect. Let her ask questions and regularly bring up all the fun new things she’ll get to do once she starts school. Before you know it, she’ll be more than ready to run into her classroom and start this new adventure.

If you enjoyed this blog and want to read more, click below for our blog from last month!

Teaching Your Preschooler How to Swim

Want to learn more about Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy of Waterford Lakes located in Orlando, Florida? Our mission is to provide secure, nurturing, and educational environments for children ages 6 weeks – 12 years. We help children to bloom into responsible, considerate, and contributing members of society. For more information, give us a call or stop by for a tour! We’d love to get to know you and your family.