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Teaching Your Preschooler How to Swim

Teaching Your Preschooler How to Swim at Kids 'R' Kids Waterford Lakes, preschool, daycare, childcare

One of the best summertime activities is swimming in the pool, but for many parents, teaching their little one how to swim can seem like an incredible feat. Here are a few tips for teaching your preschooler how to swim.

Start With Steps

Sit your child down on the steps of the pool and just get them acclimated to the water. Bring a pool toy or just have fun splashing around.

Practice Blowing Bubbles

An important step to acclimating your little one with swimming is instilling the habit of learning how to breathe out when under water. Start by teaching them how to blow bubbles—this can be a tricky step for those more skittish of putting their faces in the water. Take it slow and always smile while showing them this step.


Let your child get used to putting their heads underwater while blowing out like they practiced with their bubbles.


Some children enjoy being taught how to float more than others. This process can be as slow and steady as needed—you can start by carrying your child in your arms around the pool before moving on to moving them around on their backs. Once they’re comfortable moving in the water like this, slowly help them tilt their heads back and evenly distribute their body weight while breathing evenly. Gradually lessen your hold on them until they begin getting used to how it feels to float, and let them practice this regularly until they can float on their own.

Practice kicking and arm strokes

Show them the correct individual kicking and arm movements to move through the water until they can confidently do both at the same time.

Growing distances

Have your child doggy paddle from the wall to you—this distance can start as small or great as they are comfortable with and gradually get bigger until they can go from one side of the pool to the other. Before you know it, you’ll have a little fish of a child who loves the water!

If you enjoyed this blog and want to read more, click below for our blog from last month!

Making Summer Treats with Children

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