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Making Summer Treats with Children

Making Summer Treats with Children at Kids 'R' Kids Waterford Lakes, preschool, daycare, childcare

Preschool aged children love to get involved in the kitchen to create lovely dishes and snacks. This summer, teach your little one a few kitchen tricks, and let them spend some time with you while making delicious summer treats!

Snow cones for preschoolers 

Try out this awesome treat with your preschooler that requires no baking or preparation! Invest in a simple snow cone machine, and you won’t regret it! Then, instead of using sugary syrup to flavor your snow cone, you can pour fruit juice or a fruity drink.

Preschoolers love to make homemade popsicles.

If your little one is patient enough to wait on them to freeze, popsicles are a fun treat to make and eat! Make them yourself because it’s healthier and more fun! Choose to make a homemade fudgsicle that has just four simple ingredients: a can of evaporated milk, plus some regular-old refrigerated milk, honey, and cocoa powder.

Make celery snails and caterpillars with your preschooler.

When kids are involved in cooking and baking, they are more likely to enjoy eating it! Make fun fruit and vegetable snacks that are made into little creatures to make snack time fun, delicious, and brilliant. Celery sticks work as the body for the creatures, peanut butter works as the glue, and different fruits like apple slices and grapes make up the appendages!

Rocket ship fruit kabobs for preschoolers

Fruit kabobs are a super easy treat that your preschooler will really enjoy making. Use shish kabob skewers, and arrange the fruit in the shape of a rocket ship! Use block cheese to shape the front and back end of the ship, and fill in the middle with your favorite fruits. 

Children love spending time with parents and trying new things, so enjoy creating these delicious summer snacks together! From kabobs, to popsicles, to snow cones – these sweet treats will keep your kids cool (and full) all summer long. Have fun, and bake away! 

If you enjoyed this blog and want to read more, click below for our blog from last month!

Summer Safety Tips

Want to learn more about Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy of Waterford Lakes located in Orlando, Florida? Our mission is to provide secure, nurturing, and educational environments for children ages 6 weeks – 12 years. We help children to bloom into responsible, considerate, and contributing members of society. For more information, give us a call or stop by for a tour! We’d love to get to know you and your family.