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The snowy season casts a magic spell with its serene landscapes and festive spirit. Yet, beneath its mesmerizing beauty, winter requires added attention to our preschoolers’ health and safety. Let’s journey together through a winter wonderland of tips:

1. Sun Protection:

Snow can reflect up to 80% of UV rays. Applying sunscreen on sunny winter days, especially on your child’s face and hands, can prevent sunburn.

2. Humidify Your Home:

Combat the drying effects of heaters by using a humidifier. This aids in maintaining skin moisture and reducing respiratory irritations.

3. Stay Active, Stay Warm:

Indoor games and activities can help in maintaining body warmth. Think sock puppet shows, treasure hunts, or indoor bowling.

4. Cozy Reading Nooks:

Winter is the perfect time to inculcate reading habits. Designate a warm corner with blankets and cushions where your child can dive into storybooks.

5. Choose Clothing Wisely:

Avoid materials that can cause overheating or sweating. Cotton is always a good choice, while wool, although warm, might be irritating for some kids.

6. Hygiene Habits:

With families spending more time indoors, germs spread easier. Teach proper hand hygiene and keep common areas clean.

7. Nourish the Mind:

The shorter days can sometimes be gloomy. Engage in positive affirmations and mindful exercises to boost your child’s mood.


Every snowflake tells a story of uniqueness, as does every child. By mastering these winter wellness tips, your preschooler can craft their own enchanting winter tale, filled with joy, laughter, and good health!

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Want to learn more about Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy of Mableton located in Mableton, Georgia? Our mission is to provide secure, nurturing, and educational environments for children ages 6 weeks – 12 years. We help children to bloom into responsible, considerate, and contributing members of society. For more information, give us a call or stop by for a tour! We’d love to get to know you and your family.