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Alternatives to, “How was your day?”

Alternatives to, “How was your day?”

Feel like you get the same response from your preschooler day after day when you ask how her day was at school?  Here are five questions to ask to find out about your child’s day:

Start with, “How was your day?”

This is a great way to start the routine for your child.  Once you begin to ask additional questions, he will begin to recognize the pattern.  Someday, he may actually respond to you with more than just, “good.”

“What happened at school today?”  

This question tends to elicit responses about the dramatic excitement between friends, “Sam had to sit in time out because he didn’t share his toys with Jake.”  Then you can ask your child what he thought about the incident. Continue the conversation to ask how they would have handled the same situation.

“What did your teacher talk about?”

Instead of, “What did you learn in school today?” which may be too hard of a concept at this age, asking what the teacher talked about allows them to share what their teacher is teaching.

“What did you do that was kind today?”

This question encourages your child to consider their actions during the day.  If you find out they actually pushed someone, then you can talk them through the action and their choices.  They may respond that others were not kind, but talk to them about what they might do next time.

“What did you do that was hard today?”  

Help your child celebrate their successes and their perseverance.  Learn what they find difficult at school and help them at home to overcome their challenges. Practice conversations with your child to help them work through issues they may face with their classmates or work with your child on skills or activity books.

Help your child develop their conversation skills by asking different kinds of questions that help them think critically and process their day.

Want to learn more about Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy of Landstar located in Orlando, Florida? Our mission is to provide secure, nurturing, and educational environments for children ages 6 weeks – 12 years. We help children to bloom into responsible, considerate, and contributing members of society. For more information, give us a call or stop by for a tour! We’d love to get to know you and your family.