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Saying Thank You All Over The World

A simple thank you  is the most basic form of politeness, recognized all over the world.
Thank You in different languages means the same thing
  1. Afrikaans: Dankie
  2. Bosnian: hvala
  3. Dutch: dank u
  4. English: Thank You
  5. French: Merci
  6. Hindi: Dhanyawaad
  7. Korean: Kamsahamnida
  8. Mandarin: Xie xie
  9. Spanish: gracias
  10. Vietnamese: cảm ơn bạn


Other ways to express your appreciation.
  1. Thanks a bunch
  2. Thanks so much
  3. Thanks a lot
  4. You made my day
  5. I really appreciate it
  6. How thoughtful