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Easy Ways to Keep Your Preschooler’s Room Organized

Easy Ways to Keep Your Preschooler’s Room Organized at Kids 'R' Kids Oakbrook, preschool, daycare, childcare

Does your preschooler have a messy room? Do you struggle to keep his or her room organized? Here are four easy ways to help your preschooler keep an organized bedroom. 

Separate Spaces 

The main purpose of the bedroom is for rest. For many families, the child’s room is also a place for toys, crafts, and getting dressed. Since so many activities can happen in the same space, it is important to visually divide the room into separate spaces to help keep things more organized. Storing items where they will most be used helps maintain order while keeping things easily accessible. 

Storage Containers

Storage boxes and containers are a great way to organize various items in your preschooler’s bedroom. Using clear containers and labels helps your child more easily identify what they are looking for and where to put it when they are finished. Color coding labels or containers could also help with organizing items and putting them away in the correct spaces. 

Clothes and Clutter

Clothes, books, and school papers seem to multiply like rabbits! Have a basket or bin for items that they have outgrown or no longer use. Regularly donate, pass along, or trash these things. Decide how you want to keep and store memorable things, and then do not let them pile up in the bedroom. Help your preschooler recognize items that do not belong in the bedroom that can be put away in other rooms of the house.

Creative Storage

There must be adequate storage to house your preschooler’s books, toys, and clothes. Take advantage of vertical storage such as floating shelves and hooks to organize hair bows, bags, jackets, hats, and award medals. An extra dresser can make a great storage space for dress-up items, dolls, or figurines. Plastic storage bins can be stored under the bed or stacked in the closet to contain Lego bricks, matchbox cars, trains, or Barbie dolls. You can also utilize the bedroom and closet doors with over-the-door organizers.

Maximize the space you have in the room with creative storage, and then make it as easy as possible for your preschooler to properly put things away. Organization is a learned skill, and it is never too early to start!

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